This article is about Muslim Marriage in Thailand. Thailand has become a place for Muslim marriages. Many have come to Thailand and go through the Islamic ceremony and got married under Muslim rites. Muslim marriages do somehow lead a couple to believe that it is legal process of marriage. However, this is only a religious ceremony performed by an Imam for Muslim couples. This marriage ceremony is recognized under Islamic law, and accepted in Muslim countries for joining couples together. Speak to a lawyer in Bangkok for assistance.
Muslim Marriage in Thailand
Muslims do take Muslim marriage as a form of union, joining of couples in matrimony, just like of legal marriage. The only difference there is would be the legal part of it. A Muslim marriage is not legal binding, and not same with a legal marriage registration. With this, it is important to know what will be your intention of the marriage. If this is for couples to be joined together in Muslim countries, under Islamic law, then this would be the type of marriage that would best fit you. But, for legalities, a marriage registration in Thailand under the Thai civil code, which is commonly known as “Thai legal Marriage” would be the process needed.
Difference between Muslim Marriages (Nikah) vs. Thai Marriage
Muslim Marriage
- – A religious ceremony
- – Performed at the Islamic council by an Imam
- – Recognized by Muslim countries
- – Non-legal marriage/ union
- – This is applicable for male party up until 4th marriage
This marriage is under the customs are traditions amongst Muslim. It has been widely practised and such ceremonies are marriage ceremonials mainly within the Muslim community.
Thai Marriage
- – A legal marriage
- – Performed at the district office “Amphur” by a district officer
- – Recognized worldwide
- – Only applicable for those who are free to marry with non-existing marriage
Oftentimes, just before a Thai marriage, traditional ceremonies such as Buddhist style of marriage normally occur. Traditions such as giving “sin sod” or dowry to parents do also take place at the village of the female party. These are non-compulsory but are observed until now by some Thai families.